Sign up for the Inner Peace Tribe to strengthen your inner peace.

General Terms and Conditions

1 Scope of application

1.1 The business relationship between Julia Dencker - The Peaceful Path (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider") and the contractual partners (hereinafter referred to as "Customers", companies, participants) shall be governed exclusively by the following General Terms and Conditions in the version valid at the time of booking.

1.2 You can reach us for questions, suggestions and feedback by e-mail at

1.3 Deviating terms and conditions of the Customer shall not be recognized unless the Service Provider expressly agrees to their validity.

1.4 The individual provisions of these GTC shall apply to Customers within the meaning of Section 310 BGB. These GTC shall also apply to all future transactions with the Service Provider.

2 Scope of the service

The scope of the service on the basis of the respective contract or service descriptions on the Service Provider's website or social media channels shall not constitute a legally binding offer.

No guarantee is given for a program course subjectively presented by the customer.

All offers are valid "as long as places are available", unless otherwise stated. Errors excepted.

The organizer reserves the right to make changes to services after the start of the program for reasons of more effective and efficient achievement of objectives in the interests of the customer.

3 Conclusion of contract and payment

3.1 A booking/commissioning of the service provider can be made by e-mail or via the shopping cart of the online shop/booking system. A booking is binding once it has been received in writing, by post, by email or via the online booking system in the form of a booking confirmation. By making a booking, the customer also accepts the valid GTC.

3.2 Customers shall receive an automatically generated invoice and booking confirmation by email. The invoice must be paid within the payment period specified therein, usually ten days without deductions. If the customer is in arrears with the payment, the fulfillment of the service can be postponed to another date (see also point 4).

Payment in installments is only possible via the third-party provider Klarna.

4 Withdrawal

4.1 The booking/registration of one of the mentoring programs obliges the participant to pay the fee. This also applies to future online events and hybrid training programs consisting of online and face-to-face seminars. Withdrawal from the contract must be made in writing or by e-mail.

In the event of cancellation of the event by the customer, the organizer will charge the following cancellation fees:

Cancellation of the entire mentoring program

up to 72 hours before the start of the first session 50%

on the same (working) day the full price will be charged.

Cancellation of individual appointments (mentoring):

up to 24 hours in advance free of charge

on the same (working) day the full price will be charged.

4.2 Arrangements regarding any costs for accommodation and meals must be clarified separately with the respective seminar house in the case of one-off workshops.

4.3 If individual blocks are canceled or postponed in the context of face-to-face seminars, there is also no entitlement to reimbursement of a pro rata course fee.

4.4 Force majeure

These regulations also expressly apply in the event of force majeure, for example in the event of warnings, recommendations, requirements or bans issued by local, municipal, national or international (health and other) authorities, which result in (even partial) restrictions on movement, travel bans and/or other restrictions and bans affecting participation.

4.5 In the event of a reduction in the number of participants, the organizer is entitled to increase the participation price.

4.6 In the event of massive, health-endangering behavior on the part of clients/participants during an event, the seminar management may cancel the event. In this case, the service provider retains the right to the full total price; the costs incurred shall be borne by the customer. Claims for damages against the organizer are excluded.

5. termination by the service provider/seminar management

The service provider/seminar management reserves the right to exclude participants from the further mentoring program/seminar course at its own discretion for its own benefit or for the benefit of the seminar group.

The seminar fee for seminar days completed up to that point must be paid. For parts of the seminar that have already been paid for but have not yet been used, 90% of the seminar fee will be refunded.

6 Cancellation of events

6.1 If the required minimum number of participants is not reached or if there are other reasons for canceling the seminar, customers will receive a written cancellation.

6.2 If seminars are canceled due to force majeure (e.g. sudden illness of the seminar leader, official requirements, etc.), the seminar fees are due in full.

6.3 In particular, events are canceled due to force majeure in the following cases:

If authorities impose requirements in this regard, the consequence of which are (even partial) restrictions on the movement of people and/or animals, (e.g. quarantine, ban on entering certain regions, etc.) and/or

If events are relocated, postponed or canceled due to an official order and/or

If travel restrictions, bans or related warnings are issued by authorities.

Authorities within the meaning of this clause include any type of authority, whether international, national, municipal or otherwise local (e.g. health authorities, ministries of the interior, foreign office, etc.).

6.4 If the event is canceled due to "force majeure", the seminar management will inform the customers as soon as possible. This shall not give rise to any further claims.

6.5 Whether the costs for accommodation and meals at the seminar venues are waived or reduced depends on the seminar venue in question.

6.6 The event in question may be rescheduled at a later date.

7. availability

If the places ordered are not available, the seminar organizer may withdraw from the contract. In this case, the Service Provider shall inform the Customer immediately and refund any payments already made without delay.

If the payment has not been received by the organizer within ten calendar days of sending the booking confirmation despite the due date, even after a further request, the seminar management may allocate the places to other participants. A reservation of a place without advance payment is therefore made for a maximum of ten calendar days.

8 Confidentiality

I undertake to maintain confidentiality with regard to personal information about other participants in the seminar group and all mentees accompanied by me.

9 Liability

9.1 Each client/participant confirms that he/she is physically and mentally healthy before or at the start of the course. Exceptions due to illness, disability, medical medication, etc. must be communicated to the organizer/seminar management in advance.

9.2 The seminars and mentoring programs have self-awareness components and do not replace therapy.

I assume no liability for damage caused by the application of our learning content or for loss of property or accidents during the courses.

9.3 Participants are aware that participation in the mentoring program and the seminars may entail risks despite safe conditions and assume full responsibility for their own mental, emotional and physical resilience; no claims can be derived from any consequences (mental or physical).

9.4 Participation in the mentoring programs and seminars is therefore at the participant's own risk. Liability for impairments of any kind as a result of a participant's lack of suitability or as a result of non-compliance with instructions is expressly excluded to the extent permitted by law.

9.5 Clients/participants undertake to follow all safety-related instructions of the Service Provider/Seminar management.

9.6 Participants shall be liable for any damage caused by them. This also applies to lost equipment or equipment that has become unusable due to improper handling or damage, which was loaned to them by the organizer.

10. copyright

The photos posted on the Internet pages and the texts created by us are protected by copyright. The unauthorized copying and publication of these without stating the original source (even in extracts) is prohibited in accordance with § 97 UrhG.

Provided workbooks, presentations, seminar and teaching materials (in paper or electronic form) are subject to copyright. They may not be reproduced, passed on or distributed by customers/participants without the prior written consent of Julia Dencker - The Peaceful Path.

11 Invalidity of individual provisions

The ineffectiveness of individual provisions of the contract does not result in the ineffectiveness of the entire contract. The contracting parties shall replace the invalid clause with another clause that is reasonable for both parties. We expressly reserve the right to make changes to details in service descriptions.

12 Place of jurisdiction is the competent court at the organizer's place of registration.

12.1 The contract language is German.

12.2 platform of the European Commission for online dispute resolution (OS) for consumers: We are not willing and not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

13 Service provider/seminar service

Julia Dencker - The Peaceful Path

Basedowstraße 22

39104 Magdeburg