Sign up for the Inner Peace Tribe to strengthen your inner peace.

Employee Inner Peace Programs

Our offers focus on a new understanding of conflict, the reduction of personal stress, the implementation of conflict resolution strategies and the cultivation of inner peace.

man standing behind flat screen computer monitor
man standing behind flat screen computer monitor

Our 3-hour sessions customized to your needs cover mindfulness, stress management, and conflict resolution techniques. These workshops are crafted to provide immediate tools and strategies that employees can apply to their daily routines, fostering a more peaceful and productive work environment.

two women talking while looking at laptop computer
two women talking while looking at laptop computer
10-Week Training Programs

These programs are designed to delve deeper into personal peacefulness and team harmony. Over the course of 10 weeks, participants will engage in weekly 1-hour sessions that build on each other, creating lasting change and promoting sustained well-being, while increasing the overall productivity and efficiency of each team member. Service can be offered in-person, online or mixed.

people riding boat on body of water

Key Benefits

✖ Inadequate conflict resolution skills lead to constant disputes and tensions.

Improved conflict resolution: Through our conflict resolution training, employees acquire the necessary skills to effectively manage and resolve disputes, which contributes to a more harmonious working environment.

✖ Dissatisfied employees carry personal or professional challenges into other areas of life and thus affect the entire team.

Inner peace: Clarity about the focus of personal and professional challenges allows gratitude and relaxation for the areas in which “peace prevails”, making it easier to select suitable methods for finding solutions and generally increasing peace.

What our corporate peacebuilding programs for employees can change

✖ Sickness rate of more than 5%.

Reduced sickness absence: A holistic peacebuilding approach improves the overall wellbeing of team members, which can lead to a noticeable decrease in sickness absence.

✖ Low employee engagement and lack of commitment to company and organizational goals.

Higher employee engagement: Promoting non-violent communication, sense-making and mindfulness practices increases employee engagement and commitment to organizational goals.

✖ High stress levels leading to burnout and reduced productivity.

Improved well-being: Our inner peace and conflict resolution workshops help to reduce stress levels, prevent burnout and increase overall productivity.

an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

Luisa L.

woman wearing black crew-neck shirt
woman wearing black crew-neck shirt

"The 8 Dimensions of Inner Peace really helped me to overcome long-standing inner conflicts that I had been hiding from myself for a long time. Now I am happier and more confident in my life and feel that I can walk with my head held high. Freeing myself from these inner conflicts allows me to be in peaceful contact with myself and others at all times. I never thought that was possible. Thank you so much!"

Max F.

man standing near balcony
man standing near balcony

"There was a huge mindset shift for me. I now perceive my environment, my relationships and myself very differently. I don't go directly on the defensive in every conflict or put myself in the victim/villain role. My relationship with myself has changed fundamentally and some of my relationships have deepened significantly. I now approach people very differently and can define and communicate my needs much better in a social context."

Get in touch


Julia Dencker - The Peaceful Path